Pangea Commodities

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On May 6, 2024, Business France organized the China Business Forum in Bercy, in honor of the State visit of Chinese President Xi Jinping to France. This event not only celebrated the 60th anniversary of diplomatic relations between the two countries but also aimed to encourage economic players to seize the commercial opportunities available in the Chinese market. Experts and high-level speakers were present to discuss and explore these prospects.

China’s Economic Weight on the Global Market is a steal for French SMEs

The program included seven roundtable discussions covering various themes and sectors related to the transformation of the Chinese economy such as innovative technology industries, fashion, agri-food, and consumer goods, for example. These sectors highlight the strengths of France, renowned for the quality and creativity of its “Made in France” products as well as its high-end food offerings.

However, contrary to popular belief, China is not just a market for large corporations. With the world’s largest middle class, boasting over 450 million consumers, the high demand represents a significant opportunity for French small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) to implement niche strategies in these different areas.

An Event Opening Up New Economic Perspectives Between France and China

This meeting also depicted the evolution of China. In just thirty years, it has managed to rise to the position of the world’s second-largest economic power and become the leading global exporter. Despite three years of isolation policy due to the health crisis and a tense geopolitical context, the country remains a true driver of international trade. Indeed, in 2022, it represented 20% of international trade, and its GDP growth was among the highest from 2019 to 2023.

To reach this dynamic market, the 450 forum participants could partake in B2B meetings with Chinese buyers and major accounts, fostering successful and enriching exchanges. Pangea Commodities took this opportunity to showcase the synergy between its team’s French agricultural expertise and the sustainable practices used in its herb, spice, and meat production projects in Tanzania (crop rotation, non-use of chemical fertilizers or pesticides, etc.).

This event was a significant milestone in the bilateral economic cooperation between the two countries. Ahmed ALIA, president of Pangea Commodities, perfectly summed up the mindset of everyone at the end of this forum“we see a continuity in exchanges. France remains China’s largest partner in Europe, and we want to accelerate this dynamic.”.

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