Pangea Commodities

France-DRC Forum : French SMEs are welcome in the DRC

« Now is the time to invest in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) ». This was the key takeaway from the first France-DRC business forum held last April, in which Pangea Commodities took part. Following a French presidential visit to Kinshasa in March 2023, it was the turn of the DRC President, Félix Tshisekedi, to make his first official visit since his recent re-election. His visit was notably marked by his participation in a roundtable dedicated to business and investment in the DRC.

The DRC highlights its attractiveness to convince French investors

This forum, that was organized by Medef, brought together fifty Congolese companies and a hundred French companies around three priority sectors: strategic minerals, energy, and infrastructure and sustainable city development. Its goal was clear : to attract French small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) to invest more in the DRC and collaborate with local companies.

In line with its economic development strategy focused on creating value chains in these key sectors, the Congolese presidency is implementing several tax reforms to establish an attractive and secure business climate. It must be said that with a French-speaking market of 100 million inhabitants, the DRC can indeed boast of being a prime destination for investment opportunities for French SMEs.

Kinshasa and Paris working in unison in strategic economic sectors

As the largest Francophone country in Africa, the DRC maintains strong relations with France, and there is no doubt that this event reaffirms the desire to give these relations a new impetus. At the end of this exchange, the objective of meeting the needs for critical metals also represents a driving force for strengthened economic collaboration This is evidenced by the partnership between the French Geological Survey (BRGM) and Gécamines, the Congolese national mining company.

Agriculture and the environment were also on the agenda. With its 4 million hectares of arable land, the agricultural sector is one of the key areas of the economic future of the DRC and President Tshisekedi did not fail to underline its importance, along with the preservation of the forest of the Congo Basin.

This way, this round table, whose priorities and objectives converge with ours, highlights at the same time the enormous potential of the African continent. Naturally, our company responded to this timely call. Indeed, with a development strategy focused on sustainable mining and circular agriculture, Pangea Commodities CAN AND WILL contribute to accelerating the transformation of this potential into value.

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